S obzirom da smo bili prilično lijeni tokom početka ove 2012. godine u nastavku donosimo nekoliko besplatnih konkursa. Iz razloga tehničke prirode nećemo davati detaljne opise konkursa već ćemo omogućiti da sami koristite Vaše znanje engleskog jezika.


Pa da krenemo:

The Hueman photography contest seeks to gather photography from around the globe that captures the human life, experience and environment in a creative and compassionate manner.

The Hueman initiative is a project of the Dawn Breakers International Film Festival, a non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing and showcasing films with a “world-embracing” vision. The goals of the Hueman photography project are the same with that of the film festival and only differ in the medium of expression. Više o konkursu pročitajte ovdje.



‘Hit Us With Your Best Shot’ je naziv konkursa koji Vam može donijeti Holga fotoaparat. Na konkurs se prijavljuje isključivo putem FB-a a link na konkurs je ovdje.


The Festival of Ethical Photography of Lodi is pleased to present the second edition of the World.Report AwardItalian Photojournalism Award.

The Festival of Ethical Photography of Lodi, that will take place in Lodi from 12th to 15th of April 2012, was created and is managed on voluntary basis. Its purpose is to bring the general public close to ethically significant contents using photography as communication and knowledge means and to offer different nuances of the fine relationship between ethics, communication and photography. The Festival has a great audience for the high quality of the projects presented and for the presence of photographers well known internationally. Više o konkursu i uslovima pročitajte ovdje.


Getty Images Creative Grants i Grants for Editorial Photography su nazivi dva granta koje sponzorira Stock (nije štok u pitanju) portal Gettyimages a više o grantovima, uslovima i iznosima pročitajte ovdje.


The theme is Global Health. The photographs should showcase efforts directed at fighting disease and addressing public health issues. Your submissions should showcase efforts directed at fighting disease and addressing public health issues. Photos should document human suffering and the health care response to the following topics: HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, measles, tetanus, diabetes, cervical cancer, infant and maternal mortality, chronic and infectious diseases. Also of interest are health issues surrounding disaster relief, healthcare worker safety, healthcare access, vaccination and diagnostics research, infection control and Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI's). Dakle, ukoliko Vas je zainteresovala tema ovog konkursa ostale detalje pokupite ovdje.

Uradite dobru panoramu, uradite upload, ostaje samo čekanje do završetka konkursa. Više detalja na Panobook!


Ukoliko nikad niste imali aparat Lajku (Leica) evo konkursa koji bi je mogao donijeti upravo Vama. Konkurs nosi ime "oca" 35mm fotografije ujedno i jednog od glavnih inžinjera Lajke a detalje potražite ovdje!



Toliko o konkursima ovaj put, nadamo se da ćete naći neki za sebe. Izvinjavamo se za eventualne gramatičke greške, greške objavljivanjem konkursa koji nije namijenjen fotografima iz BiH ili krivim linkom. Dobro svjetlo želi Vam Valter!





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